Click on Any Image for More Art On The Same Topic. Yep, more Warhol images, more Animal Images, More Media Satires, etc. Click away! Or just use the navigation table, it's all good!
Finally, an art movement
of high original art since 1969! Enjoy the galleries! Alrighty, mon?
The Ultra-Renaissance is a real art movement, created by a few Midwestern American artists. It ain't no joke! Sup wit dat? Forsooth, but thou hast no joke? Praytell, sup with dat? Keep it real in the field, mon.... Tell your art-loving friends and come back often to breathe in the air of the Muses....see the art of Mike Wrathell, Brent Comstock, Tom M., Roy Zornow, Alisha Wrathell, Shawn Dalhover, Andrea Harris, et al....
"Ignorant of how to yield to them, let us compete with the angels in dignity and glory." --Pico della Mirandola, Italian Renaissance Writer
Space photos used for space art courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech, David Malin, and Eliot Young of the Southwest Research Institute. If your space photo is used in my space art and your credit is not listed, please email me.


"The King of Pluto" Click on image for Movie Information!!!
Posters available. DVD's of documentary only $25!
"Dada artist Marcel Duchamp once stated that "posterity is the judge of genius" and if that is indeed the case then perhaps in five hundred years the digital art of Mike Wrathell will be viewed as the great lost work of the twenty-first century, until then however..." --Greg Bellavia, Filmthreat Movie Reviewer (read whole review, link below and on movie page.....)

"Thought Police Tribunal"
{ proudly adopted by Bouche Bar, 540 E. 5th Street, NYC, NY (bet Ave A & B) }

Ultra-Renaissance Fountain (Homage to Duchamp)

Bob Denver as a Plutonian



The Mona System


Shitstorm Dance
{ by Roy Zornow, click for more art by Roy }

The Elephant of Sadness
{ by B. W. C., click for more art by B. W. C. }

The Magnificent Man With The Hole In His Head VIII
{ a shang by B. W. C. of Mike Wrathell original }

"Sears Tower, Green"

"I Am Andy's Grave, Yellow"

"Tompkins Square Park Pigeon" (Click for more NYC pics!)

"Denali, Obscured"

"Crater Lake Lightshow"

"Chillin' On Planet Venus"


"War Kat"

"Ultra-Renaissance Dragon"

"Accidental Man"
{ Private Collection }

"Four Mikes (photo by Roy Zornow)"
Mike's YahooGroup for the 2006 Campaign for Macomb Community College Board of Trustees! Vote Early, Vote Often!
Independent Self Representing Artists' Web Art Gallery
Amy McDermott's Page
World Artists Cafe - A Fine Arts Discussion List
Slideshows of Mike Wrathell art and other cool stuff by sheila franklin (make sure to click on "The Final Frontier"!!!!!)
The Ultra-Renaissance Blog
If you can't just click to email Mike just write me at mwrathell@yahoo.com, for sales inquiries, feedback, hate mail, love mail, and, of course, ambivalence mail is also welcome!
Contact Mike
{ proudly adopted by Bouche Bar, 540 E. 5th Street, NYC, NY (bet Ave A & B) }

Ultra-Renaissance Fountain (Homage to Duchamp)

Bob Denver as a Plutonian



The Mona System


Shitstorm Dance

The Elephant of Sadness

The Magnificent Man With The Hole In His Head VIII

"Sears Tower, Green"

"I Am Andy's Grave, Yellow"

"Tompkins Square Park Pigeon" (Click for more NYC pics!)

"Denali, Obscured"

"Crater Lake Lightshow"

"Chillin' On Planet Venus"


"War Kat"

"Ultra-Renaissance Dragon"

"Accidental Man"

"Four Mikes (photo by Roy Zornow)"
If you can't just click to email Mike just write me at mwrathell@yahoo.com, for sales inquiries, feedback, hate mail, love mail, and, of course, ambivalence mail is also welcome!

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