Anti-Homage to The Media
"Thought Police Tribunal" now proudly hangs at Bouche Bar, 540 E. 5th Street, East Village, New York City, New York, USA. (Between Avenue A & Avenue B, closer to Avenue B)
Copyright 2004, Mike Wrathell.

"Red Ted"

"Thought Police Tribunal" proudly adopted by Bouche Bar, 540 E. 5th Street, NYC, NY (bet Ave A & B)

"The Leaning Tower of Ted"

"Room 101"

"The Ministry of Truth"

"Thought Police Triptych
{ Private Collection }

"The Rookies"

"Barb Pose"


"666 Ted"

"Ministry of Truth"

"Dan & The Frequency Master"

"The Ministry of Love"

"Orange Ted (Big Brother Is Watching You!"

"The Humiliation of Ted"

"48 Ted"

"90 Teds"

Mike Wrathell Digital Art
The Ultra-Renaissance Art Movement Homepage
"Barb Pose"


"666 Ted"

"Ministry of Truth"

"Dan & The Frequency Master"

"The Ministry of Love"

"Orange Ted (Big Brother Is Watching You!"

"The Humiliation of Ted"

"48 Ted"

"90 Teds"

Mike Wrathell Digital Art
The Ultra-Renaissance Art Movement Homepage
"666 Ted"

"Ministry of Truth"

"Dan & The Frequency Master"

"The Ministry of Love"

"Orange Ted (Big Brother Is Watching You!"

"The Humiliation of Ted"

"48 Ted"

"90 Teds"

Mike Wrathell Digital Art
The Ultra-Renaissance Art Movement Homepage
"Dan & The Frequency Master"

"The Ministry of Love"

"Orange Ted (Big Brother Is Watching You!"

"The Humiliation of Ted"

"48 Ted"

"90 Teds"

Mike Wrathell Digital Art
The Ultra-Renaissance Art Movement Homepage
"Orange Ted (Big Brother Is Watching You!"

"The Humiliation of Ted"

"48 Ted"

"90 Teds"

Mike Wrathell Digital Art
The Ultra-Renaissance Art Movement Homepage
"48 Ted"

"90 Teds"

Mike Wrathell Digital Art
The Ultra-Renaissance Art Movement Homepage